Even fun, goofy families can be exhausting! (Photo credit: optimal tweezers) |
Why? Well, for many of us, there are differing levels of stress. Let's discuss a few:
1. Family
Very few of us come from families without any emotional issues whatsoever. There are always a few issues lurking under the surface, and having that drink or two after a holiday dinner can really let the trouble start rolling.
For those not spending time with family for whatever reason, it can be just as painful to feel engulfed in the solitude.
2. Money
This is one of the biggest stresses we feel. Even if you have sufficient income, holiday shopping (and any pressure to compete or one-up others and their "charity") can really knock you out. Or, you might have enough for everything else, but not for excessive spending. You start seeing dollar signs everywhere; even those host gifts start adding up.
Consider those of us who work hourly rates. Either they work on the holidays (stressful), or they lose a day worth of income because of the holidays (even more stressful). Neither of those situations really helps the matter!
Therefore, many individuals work even more hours than they want to, just to make up for compromised hours and income levels due to the season.
Plus, cold weather means that energy bills are higher, so money becomes even tighter!
Health = $$$ (Photo credit: Tax Credits) |
3. Health
From mild allergies and sinus pressure to major illness from the sudden onslaught of cold weather, this time of year really holds people up. They have to take off time from work (see: money), have perpetual sniffles and exhaustion, or experience a whole slew of other issues.
This doesn't even begin to cover the health ailments that stress brings on it own! Add stress on top of more stress, and you start seeing more and more major heath problems coming out of the woodwork.
Just think about it. When do you tend to get sick? When you're already exhausted and your immune system has been compromised.
What's the point of all of this?
Remember: Mulled wine is actually wine! (Photo credit: Blazey) |
Every single one of these stresses is a trigger. Stress itself is a difficult thing thing to deal with, but for those with substance abuse or mental health issues, it becomes an even greater challenge. Each one of these elements start sticking together to become a large, tangled mess.
Therefore, it's important, crucial even, to take time for yourself and remember the small things that really matter. This will help you avoid over-drinking, overeating, and even more unhealthy behaviors. Plus, this is the time of year to reach out to other people you know who struggle during this time of year. It's a crucial time for all of us; the last thing anyone needs is to fall further into a cycle of self-harm.
We'll discuss these issues more in-depth, especially in our December newsletter, so be sure to read often!
Do you have any tips for beating seasonal stresses? We'd love to know and pass them on!
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