Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from USA MDT!

Thanksgiving Day Greetings
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Happy Black Friday, everyone! Hopefully, you had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends. At USA MDT, we love the holidays. There's nothing better than getting to spend time with your family, wherever they may be. Thanksgiving is an especially valuable day as it gives us an opportunity to reflect on all the ways we're blessed!

As 2012 winds down and we gear up for a busy, productive, and successful 2013, we'd like to remind everyone to be safe, take care of themselves, and focus on the things that matter! We're here if you need us, and we're happy to help you solve any problems before they become major issues.

In other news, we'll be distributing our final newsletter of the year next week! We'll be continuing our focused coverage of specific drugs by sharing our knowledge and insight into one in particular: crystal meth. Learn everything you need to know about detecting, preventing, and avoiding meth abuse in your community!

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