Friday, January 18, 2013

5 Reasons to Start a Drug-Free Workplace Policy Today

Often, business owners and employers think that drug-free workplace policies just aren't for them. They don't have a problem, they don't need to go through such a fuss, and really, they just think it's unnecessary.

But, there's no way to know if you have a problem without implement a drug-free workplace policy to begin with. Unless you spend every minute of every day with your employees, there's no way to know for sure that they aren't drinking before work, doing drugs on the weekend, or popping pills on the job.

Granted, most of your employees are probably clean and sober. You never know, though, unless you set up a drug-free workplace policy.

Here are our top 5 reasons for starting a drug-free workplace policy:

1. Deterrence

We know that deterrence isn't always the best method to keep people on the straight and narrow, but it certainly does help. If employees know that there are drug tests and consequences for any drug abuse, it's much easier to say no.

2. No Gray Area

Think about when you were in school. If the teacher didn't collect homework, did you always do it? Maybe you'd slack off a little because you knew you wouldn't get in trouble. Then, you stopped doing homework entirely because, hey, there were no consequences!

With a drug-free workplace policy, that mentality goes out the window. This zero tolerance policy goes hand-in-hand with deterrence, but is even more than that. Your employees will never once doubt what will happen if they don't "do their homework." There is no doubt. Instead, they know how you feel and what you expect.

These clear expectations go a long way!

3. Greater Efficiency

Companies with drug-free workplace policies show decreased absenteeism and more productive employees. This makes total sense. If your employees are struggling with drug abuse and addiction, there are many other more pressing issues in their lives than getting to work on time and doing their jobs well. When drug-free workplace policies are implemented, these problems go out the window.

4. Increased Safety

This is probably the most obvious reason to start a drug-free workplace policy in your company! If your employees use heavy equipment or deal with sensitive information, you certainly do not want any sort of issues cropping up that inhibit safety and security.

If your employees are drug-free, they are much safer and on their game than if they weren't.

5. Return on Investment (ROI)

Although it does cost money to develop and implement a drug-free workplace policy, the fees are nominal compared to what you could be paying.

Imagine if there's an accident. You're looking at workers compensation benefits, lawsuits, purchasing new equipment, improving a negative public image, and a whole slew of other costs. Plus, your health care fees and insurance premiums will go down all while productivity and safety go up.

Drug-free workplace policies are a win-win situation for employers across the board. At USA MDT, we take these policies very seriously, and would love to help you create a custom policy for your employees. Contact us today to get started!

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